CBS Pink Collar Crimes Episode 4 Recap

Episode 4 with Jamila Davis was the most compelling for me so far. Yet, it still was not a pink-collar crime. Plain and simple white-collar crime case. Davis was a young single mother who hit the big time financially but went over the line.

“It wasn’t until life got bad that I really got to see that way of thinking would ruin my life.” Davis was raised by a loving family with good values. Mistake number one: Davis got in with gangs and thought money was going to be her way to show everyone how good she was.

Davis received a 12 ½ year sentence for mortgage fraud. She falsified loan documents for Lehman Bros. The irony hurts. Still, this is not a pink collar crime. Walt Pavlo wrote a Forbes piece:

Stay tuned for next week’s recap if the show is still on.

Still waiting for a real pink-collar crime episode. #itsthepositionnotthegender #itstheoffensenotthegender #CBSTrueCrimes #mortgagefraud #pinkcollarcrime