Mom, Daughter, Sister, Wife, Grandma

The USA Today recently had this headline “Mom sentenced to nearly 7 years”

Why did they lead with this headline?  Because it sells.  No one wants to admit it but there is curiosity about a Mom who steals.   My headline most likely will be clicked through many times this week due to that.  But that is why I call Pink Collar Crime the relatable crime.  Most everyone knows someone who either has been victimized by a pink collar criminal or they are aware of a pink collar criminal story in their community-think little league embezzlement or town clerk embezzlement .  Most people don’t relate to a violent offender because hopefully you have not been a victim or know someone who has been a victim.

These women aren’t scary.  They look like regular moms, sisters, wives or daughters.  They are the ones who are working a job in a medical office, small business, municipal government or possibly volunteering at a nonprofit such as a sports club or school club.

As I have been tweeting and posting, this is a growing demographic.  Women are in the workplace in record numbers and it looks to stay that way.  The world has changed.  These women are all in some form or another a mom, daughter, sister, wife or grandma.  When you see a story like that what are your initial thoughts?

Just look at women incarceration rates provided by the Prison Policy Initiative from 1910-2014 Dr. Freda Adler was spot on.